Monday, July 8, 2013


This post doesn't really have a purpose or flow very well, it is just random spouting out of some things I have on my mind.

Tv is turning me into a blob. Blobloblaw. (haha Arrested Development anyone? Bob Loblaw. anyone? Well I recommend it, one word: hilarious. And I hear they are making it again.) But that's exactly what I feel like...A BLOB. My belly is at maximum capacity, at least according to me. I'm pretty sure I was having contractions all last night and early this morning. It was horrible, it was really the first time I felt like I actually HATED being pregnant. I'm starting to get to the uncomfortable stage where no matter what I do I can't get into a comfy position. I feel like this baby is too big already and any little move he makes has me saying "Owwwww". All I gotta say is this baby better come soon. I'm due the 26th...which is in 2 weeks and 4 days. Yes I'm counting down. Technically I could blow at any time now, and I'm least about the labor part and with feeling so unprepared, but ready or not right?

Here is a picture that me and my friend, Chelsea created when I first found out and told her I was pregnant. We made it using one of those websites that's suppose to meld you and your partners faces together to see what you're future baby might look like.
It comes into focus if you squint.
So I don't think it looks like me or AJ but at least it looks like a baby haha...I'm starting to get really curious to know what our spawn will actually look like. Just got to wait a little bit longer to find out!

Today I read something really good. I can't repeat it back because I'd rather it be written word for word and I don't have it right in front of me, but I read it in this months Ensign. It touched me personally and I'm glad I took the time to read the Ensign instead of brainlessly watch a tv show..(don't worry I did plenty of that AFTER). I'm glad my parents have raised me to know where to look to when I need to be uplifted. (I have been thinking a lot lately about what kind of parent I'll be and what I need to change to be a good example to my future family and children, I feel inadequate and nervous about it, but I know I can do it) And I love that we have so much technology that I can have access to those things at the tips of my fingers whenever I need them. Sometimes I like to go to and read talks on whatever I'm curious about, I just type it into the search and pick out a few talks and read them hoping to find inspiration, which I ALWAYS do. The Lord never fails, he is always there. And on that note, I think this is a good place to end.

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