Thursday, March 10, 2011

In Japanese tsu 'harbor' + nami 'wave'

Tsunami warning.......AGAIN. It was only 13 months ago we had a serious tsunami warning from the earthquake that happened in Chile. This time it feels a bit more real though, cuz for real how many false alarms can we have before we run out of luck? Seriously I do believe all the natural disasters that seem to be happening more and more frequently around the world are a sure sign of the times. BUT I also believe there is much more work to be done as well as things that need to take place before the second coming. It is a scary thing, but I feel a sense of comfort in knowing the gospel. :)

So I live in Laie and my parents and sis live in Pearl City and I planned to sleep here, in Pearl City, last night and tonight and only brought enough clothes (and panties..YIKES) to last me the 2 days. My room in Laie was a sloppy mess when I left, naturally. K call me material, but is it horrible that my thoughts right now are focused on wondering if my wardrobe will drown and die tonight? Seriously though what will I wear? I considered the thought of driving back to Laie to rescue my clothes, but I'm not stupid so that's not happening. Slightly vain yes, but I'm human, guess I'll just have to wait it out. Sad as I will be if my clothes, shoes, books, and whatever else drown tonight there is one positive I can see coming out of it: IF I move back to Utah this summer then I'll have significantly less to leave with and packing will be easy peasy!

On another note I am so grateful to have my family here with me. My mom is a freakazoid when it comes to being prepared for things and before she went to "catch some Z's" (her exact words before going to bed tonight) she found a very useful tool in case the power goes out and we need light. She had my sister turn off the lights and made her way downstairs to show me what she had.....

She looks like an extraterrestrial!

My mom is hilarious. I'm 99 percent positive I get my off sense of humor from her, although my dad's pretty weird too so I guess I was doomed either way.

And so the tsunami countdown continues (yes I'm staying up because I really just wanna know if I'm going to have to buy a new wardrobe or not): T - 1hr and 22min.