Tuesday, January 25, 2011

purple beaded star trinket

Two people staring at the same thing take turns describing what it is they see to one another. Neither of their descriptions sound anything remotely similar to the other. One person thinks the other person is out-of-their-mind crazy and vice versa. How can they be looking at the same thing, but not seeing the same thing? Craziness would definitely be a valid question. Maybe neither one of them is actually crazy though, maybe they just have two slight, but distinctly different perspectives.


I am not a selfish person. I think I'm quite the opposite actually. If allowed I think I would give give give till I had nothing left. I tried EVERYTHING. I DID everything. I GAVE my 100 percent. So why is it I'm made to feel that I should have done more....that I just "don't understand" implicating that if I could just "understand" than it would have made a world of difference. Does it even matter anymore? It shouldn't get to make me feel this way anymore. That's what's not fair. It shouldn't get to affect the way I view other people, but how can it not? Aggghhhh...if I had no head and no mind things would be sooooooo much easier.

Involuntarily built.
Without permission.
Without MY permission.
Placing doubt, suspicion, and unbelief in the mind.
General mistrust.
Safer that way.

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