Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011

I posted this on my sister facebook page.
Just another day in the life :)

sooooo i wanted to tell someone cuz im irritated...
remember how my day was a short day with only one class and it was suppose to be easy and lazyish? Well that all got ruined when my sleeping-in-as-late-as-i-wanted-to-cuz-i-stayed-up-till-3-finishing-my-homework turned into my everyone-and-their-grandma-calling-me-this-morning-and-waking-me-up-cuz-they-think-i-like-them-better-than-sleeping. (thats a little harsh...i actually do like them better than sleeping...but YOU KNOW i get grumpy in the mornings when im waking up! so thats in a sense just how i felt at the time) school was good...then i came home to the disaster that is my room...but for some reason i hate even more that the entire rest of the house is a dirty filthy mess and no one seems to notice. disgusting. filthy. pigs must live here...or they might as well. Anywho so i got something delicious to eat and then i went to work. work was fine, i enjoyed my coworkers and even the old man who called me an "old maid". Then for an odd reason i felt like going running...and since that NEVER happens, when it does, i like to give into it. So i went running. I. NEARLY. DIED. but didnt. and my body is already sore. i must get in shape!! Anywho so i thought i should clean the house when i got home cuz it was making me angry. And so i did. and now a whole 2 hours and 45 mins later....the bathroom is spotless. the living room and kitchen rugs (yes i moved the stupid kitchen table all by myself....and i didnt give a rats that i was making loud scraping noises and maybe waking everybody up) have been taken outside and shaken. the floor has been swept and moped. ALL BY MYSELF. and now all im waiting for is the laundry to be done cuz i washed rags and rugs. The point of my story is....not really anything. But how did my short day turn into my longest day ever??? annnnd how come no one else in this stupid house that i hardly am even ever at (this week so far i've literally slept here once cuz duh i been sleeping in pearl city with YOU) seems to know how to clean? Didnt their momma teach them better than that? I swept up at least 20 coco puffs....whoevers they are...and i will find out which of my roommates consumes coco stupid puffs every morning...better watch out. cuz how the heck do you drop those on the floor and not even have the thought or bother to pick them up??? Does mess and filth and dirty really not bother other people?? i feel like im taking crazy pills!! I invented the piano key neck tie! I invented it!!...wait no i didnt..sorry i got carried away monologuing. that is all. over and out.

By the way I just want to note that I had work from 6 p.m. till 9:30 p.m. and I didn't finish running till 10:50 which means I started cleaning at 11 AT NIGHT. and finished after 1:30 A-freaking-M!! Which is why I was so irritated and had to vent.
...yup i love my life. i love my life. i love my life...i love my life

Old Maid

Conversation I had last night at work with a tourist:
Old man in wheelchair: That hairstyle looks good on you.
Me: :) Thank you
Old man in wheelchair: How old are you? 19?
Me: No I'm 25
Old man in wheelchair: Whoa! You're an old maid already!
Me: :( ...thanks.

I wasn't offended. I laughed. Besides it was ironic to me because where does he get off calling me an old maid when he's sitting there old and broken like a prehistoric dinosaur?! haha I can't really be mad at old people. It's like they've lived their life and now they have a free pass to say, and sometimes do, whatever they feel like. They're exempt from the social norms. Old people are so delightful. I can't wait to be one.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Last semester I was totally feeling the 4.0 and being a motivated batch. (and I totally got that 4.0, high five to myself)

This semester I'm totally fine with just passing with a C. (I never liked D's cuz it's the same letter 'dumb' starts with)

Writing is my arch nemesis. (I can not for the life of me write a proper paper, I'm just not confident in my writing. But I love writing for me and no one else with no grammar and the technique of it all)

I'd much rather be reading for fun. I l.o.v.e to read, as long as its fun, exciting, thought provoking, and most importantly, MY CHOICE. Is there anything more hideous than a dull, boring, ridiculously overpriced, USED textbook?

School, you will be the death of me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

purple beaded star trinket

Two people staring at the same thing take turns describing what it is they see to one another. Neither of their descriptions sound anything remotely similar to the other. One person thinks the other person is out-of-their-mind crazy and vice versa. How can they be looking at the same thing, but not seeing the same thing? Craziness would definitely be a valid question. Maybe neither one of them is actually crazy though, maybe they just have two slight, but distinctly different perspectives.


I am not a selfish person. I think I'm quite the opposite actually. If allowed I think I would give give give till I had nothing left. I tried EVERYTHING. I DID everything. I GAVE my 100 percent. So why is it I'm made to feel that I should have done more....that I just "don't understand" implicating that if I could just "understand" than it would have made a world of difference. Does it even matter anymore? It shouldn't get to make me feel this way anymore. That's what's not fair. It shouldn't get to affect the way I view other people, but how can it not? Aggghhhh...if I had no head and no mind things would be sooooooo much easier.

Involuntarily built.
Without permission.
Without MY permission.
Placing doubt, suspicion, and unbelief in the mind.
General mistrust.
Safer that way.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

smile like you mean it.

Who's dentist sings along to Micheal Jackson, hums to Kesha, and whistles along with Bruno Mars? MY dentist. He's pretty hilarious. Oh, and he fixes my teeth too. After numbing what felt like my whole face and my tongue and getting one cavity filled and another one refilled cause I was having sensitivity issues.... I'm still numb. My tongue and lips feel huge and I can't smile straight. Hope it wears off soon cause I'm HUNGRY and would like to eat without unknowingly chewing my tongue, cheeks, or lips. Have a good day yall :)