Found this.....
and it's just a reminder to myself to, "DON'T WORRY (about all the wedding things I still have on my to-do list, and the things..or people..I can't change. The fact that I feel like I'm not getting enough sleep or exercise and am breaking out and might possibly be the ugliest bride ever. Plus the fact that I'm moving back to Hawaii in 2 weeks and feel totally unprepared to move a lot of shiz and am having anxiety about school. And the fact that my whole world is about to change with two little words--> i do. annnd we all know how I feel about change, but I think I can handle with a little faith. and all the other blah blah blah going on in my head), BE HAPPY"
So this is me telling myself to "Shut the hell up. Everything is not that serious so don't worry, be happy" I will try my hardest to take my own advice. haaaa. goodfreakingnight.