Thursday, February 9, 2012

I used to think 'sayonara' was spanish...

until 2 years ago when I was informed in an embarrassing way that it was, in fact, not. And I used to think it was spelled saionara...until 10 seconds ago when google just informed me I was also wrong about that. You learn something new everyday right?

Anyways amigos, February is my favorite month. I may be biased because my birthday is in February, and a lot of cool people I know have birthdays in February as well, but that's not the only reason. It's also love month where I decided that Valentines should last all the way up till the 14th. Then there's Presidents Day and you get a day off of school -YIPEE- And then it's just like this weird mysterious month because it's the only one that has the shortest amount of days and then every 4 years it's just like "Hey! I'm adding an extra day on this year cuz I'm pretty bad-A and I do what I like." Well...that's how I think of it anyways. It just seems like every year February turns out to be such an exciting, happy month for me. Last year I met up with the rest of my family in Vegas for the rugby 7s tournament and this year we're doing it again! 
This year I get to play with Lusi instead of just try to feel her kick me! lol
Mom and Dad :) I love my parents!
In fact I leave tonight and get there tomorrow morning. 


Not only is my family going but so is my looooove! It's been exactly 5 weeks since I've seen him so you can bet I'll be getting some lovin this weekend haha. 

This is pretty much our first picture together and I wish my face hadn't been so ugly...ahh what can you do?
Yesterday in my English class my teacher told us our homework, in honor of Valentines day, was to go out and love someone...........I'm totally doing that homework. So SAYONARA mi amigos, I'm off to Sin City!!...where no actual sins shall be committed on my part...I hope. Have a good weekend and "In honor of Valentines day.." go out and do/get some lovin of your own!

Happy Love Month!


  1. Hahahaha you hope. Get your lovin Book of Mormon distance! Lol.

    1. hahahaha yeah i will! LOL it was so funny cuz my teacher was trying to tell us to go love someone but then was like BUT do it appropriately! and it was just kind of awkward but funny.

  2. Woohoo! go get your lovin' on jenn! Make sure to send Nainoa's love to Lusi. He can't wait to see pictures of her in the hoochi mama colorful shorts he got her. lol. Maybe she can wear some roller skates too and be like her mom and aunties! hahaha. Send my love to the rest of the trins and the little angel that is Lusi. Hope you have fun fun FUN with your sweetheart. REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD! I'm excited for you.

  3. love it have fun jenn! happy feb!

  4. I love how you describe February, makes me want to love it even more. And it sounds like you now have another reason to love February! Congrats!

  5. hahaha don't worry what happens in vegas stays in vegas :) I sin, you sin, we all sin, and we're all real so we shouldn't be ashamed of that :) haha Happy Valentines Day!
