childhood flashback
There was (and still is) a Daves Ice Cream shop across from my elementary school. One wonderful sunny day after school we got to go get ice cream. Is there no greater treat to a child than an ice cream cone?? After we all get our cones we exit the store. We walk out of the ice cream shop and wait at the corner to cross the street. I am 100% happy with my GREEN mint ice cream cone, my favorite flavor, just waiting at the corner, just standing there. I had barely started eating it. What happened next is the most devastating thing that could happen to a child eating an ice cream cone. Yes, my green glob filled with delicious chocolate chips plummeted to the ground and landed with a great plop onto the hot concrete. I was left holding an empty cone.
The End.
Obviously that was such a tragic event that it burned clearly into my memory and still makes me sad today. But you know what makes me happy? GREEN mint ice cream. And now I can go buy my own whenever I want. I have some in my freezer. It will probably be devoured by the days end, and none of it will end up on the ground. It will all end up in my tummy......and then eventually my butt and thighs...but who cares about that?! I am made out of ice cream, GREEN mint ice cream.!! What are you made out of?
We love ice cream. Clearly, we do.